BECESocial StudiesGhana BECE 2004 SOCIAL STUDIES PAST QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS passcogh2 years ago2 years ago01 mins 0% 25 Ghana BECE 2004 SOCIAL STUDIES ANSWER BECE 2004 SOCIAL STUDIES PAST QUESTIONS 1 / 40 1) An effect of slavery on Africa was that it A) increased its population B) brought about co-operation C) improved it image D) took active persons away 2 / 40 2) The first Europeans to arrive in Ghana in 1471 came from A) France B) Spain C) Portugal D) Switzerland 3 / 40 3) The claim that the ancestors of the Akan migrated from Ancient Ghana is mainly based on A) soninke records B) genetic evidence C) cultural similarities D) linguistic evidence 4 / 40 4) The Fon and Aja of the Republic of Benin are closely related to the A) Guan of Ghana B) Mamprusi of Ghana C) Ga of Ghana D) Ewe of Ghana 5 / 40 5) Evidence of Mamprusi origin is obtained during the Damba festival from A) sword bearers B) state trumpeters C) state linguists D) state drummers 6 / 40 6) Unity among ethnic groups in Ghana can be promoted through A) opinion leaders B) informal education C) formal education D) inter-marriage 7 / 40 7) Badu saw a man throwing a ten thousand cedi note Into a grave. What has this person done? A) He has rejected the money B) He has done what a citizen should not do C) He has destroyed national property D) He has mourned properly 8 / 40 8) Forts and castles were built purposely by the early Europeans for A) use as depots and for protection B) soldiers and miners C) sailors and for use as chapels D) evangelists and teachers 9 / 40 9) Which of the following ethnic groups in Ghana trace their origin from Ile Ife in Nigeria? A) The Nzema B) The Mamprusi C) The Ga D) The Gonja 10 / 40 10) The Asante Kingdom was colonized by the British through A) trade agreement B) military invasion C) co-operation D) persuasion 11 / 40 11) The Volta region before World War I was a colony of A) Germany B) Britain C) Italy D) Portugal 12 / 40 12) People from various ethnic groups are found in the cities of Ghana because of A) conflict B) trade C) Tourism D) food 13 / 40 13) Writing a bill into a legal language is done by the A) Council of State B) Registrar-General Department C) Judicial Council D) Attorney-General’s Department 14 / 40 14) If Musah wants a new law to be made against armed robbery whom will he contact? A) A Judge B) The Police C) A Parliamentarian D) The President 15 / 40 15) The constitution of a country is endorsed by the people through A) bye-election B) acclamation C) Census D) a referendum 16 / 40 16) The demand for ‘self government now’ was made in 1949 by A) Dr. Kwame Nkrumah B) Dr. K.A. Busia C) Dr. Kwagyir Aggrey D) Dr. J.B. Danquah 17 / 40 17) Government revenue for developmental projects is raised mainly through A) taxation B) over-invoicing C) inflation D) minting of currency 18 / 40 18) The principle of separation of powers prevents A) dictatorial government B) ethnic conflicts C) coalition government D) political associations 19 / 40 19) Which of the following should be identified as the major cause of ethnic conflicts in Ghana? I. Chieftaincy disputes II. Land disputes III. Cultural similarities IV. Struggling for contracts A) II and IV B) II and III C) III and IV D) I and II 20 / 40 20) On which of the following occasions is the parallel culture of prayer not demonstrated in Ghana? A) Independent Day B) Farmers’ Day C) Eid-il-Fitr D) Teachers’ Day 21 / 40 21) Science education is very important in schools because it A) makes students live longer B) leads to the acquisition of technological knowledge C) promotes peaceful co-existence D) makes students think quick in solving a problem 22 / 40 22) An administrative clerk at the Ministry of Education is a A) public servant B) civil servant C) diplomat D) director 23 / 40 23) Which of the following may not be considered in finding one’s direction home, when one’s way is lost in the forest? A) Direction of the sun B) Direction of the wind C) Shouting for help D) Prominent landscape 24 / 40 24) Bawku is located north-east of A) Ho B) Bimbila C) Bolgatanga D) Yendi 25 / 40 25) A good layout of a settlement includes all the following except A) overcrowding B) easier movement C) good sanitation D) disasters 26 / 40 26) Which of the following minerals can be used to improve upon the fertility of the soil? A) Phosphate B) Iron C) Bauxite D) Diamond 27 / 40 27) Which of the following countries is within the same zone as Ghana? A) Senegal B) Britain C) Canada D) Nigeria 28 / 40 28) The Prairie Provinces in Canada produce A) paper B) bread C) wine D) wool 29 / 40 29) Ghana is not economically independent because of her A) over-reliance on foreign loans B) poor banking practices C) poor natural resources D) low per capital income 30 / 40 30) Low savings by Ghanaian workers is mainly due to A) high dependency ratio B) laziness of Ghanaian workers C) extravagant living of Ghanaians D) low exchange rate of the cedi 31 / 40 31) Efficiency of the labour force is achieved through A) Moral education B) Training and retraining C) Sacrificial work D) poor work attitude 32 / 40 32) Which of the following tertiary industries is a leading foreign exchange earner in Ghana? A) Transport B) Banking C) Insurance D) Tourism 33 / 40 33) Productivity in agriculture can be increased in Ghana through A) changes in the land tenure system B) the employment of more labourers C) application of modem technology D) relying on foreign experts 34 / 40 34) Which of the following business enterprises is privately owned? A) Ghana Railway Corporation B) Ghana Highways Authority C) Ghana Water Company D) Unilever Ghana Limited 35 / 40 35) Productivity in the Public Service is low because of A) abundant production B) effective supervision C) aged workers D) poor work attitude 36 / 40 36) Ghana receives loans and aid from the World Bank because of its membership of the A) African Union (AU) B) Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) C) United Nations Organizatlon (UNO) D) Commonwealth 37 / 40 37) The Voluntary Services Overseas is associated with the A) African Union (AU) B) Commonwealth C) Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) D) United Nations Organization (UNO) 38 / 40 38) Which of the following countries has the least per capita income? A) Britain B) Ghana C) Canada D) Japan 39 / 40 39) The chief Justice of Britain who made the slave trade illegal was A) Lord Mansfield B) Granville Sharp C) William Wilberforce D) Fowell Buxton 40 / 40 40) The most effective way of solving the socio-economic problems of the modem world is through the application of A) science and technology B) magic and witchcraft C) knowledge in politics D) technology and magic Your score is Facebook Twitter Restart quiz Post navigation Previous: Ghana BECE 2008 MATHEMATICS PAST QUESTIONS AND ANSWERSNext: Ghana WASSCE 2005 PHYSICS PAST QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ